Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2015

April is always crammed with books, thanks mostly to Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon.

The Graphic Novels:

The Nonfiction:

Born With Teeth by Kate Mulgrew

Life from Scratch by Sasha Martin

Citizen by Claudia Rankine

The Fiction:

Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins

God Help the Child by Toni Morrison

I even managed to sneak in a children’s book that I’ve wanted to read forever:

April was good. Diverse, broad, controversial, and good. I won’t be able to choose a favorite, it’s too damn hard.

I hope you all had a good April! Can you pinpoint your favorite book of the month?

30 thoughts on “Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2015

  1. I'm so glad you had such a great reading month, Jen! I was so happy to have been able to participate in the readathon; definitely my favorite book was My Sunshine Away. Hope you have a great weekend and a great reading month in May!


  2. The graphic Saga novels look cool! I'd love to read Kate Mulgrew's book, and Toni Morrison's too!You had a good month for books! Happy May reading!


  3. Right!? I'm so pleased with how the month turned out. You know, I'm still processing it. I probably shouldn't have read it on readathon day because it deserves a slower pace. It was good, but the characters weren't as fleshed out as I normally would like.


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