It’s Monday! What are you reading? 04/20/15

(Click on each book for more info)

Currently Reading: 

The name and cover of this one have changed a time or two, I’m not sure what the final title and/or look will be. I haven’t been able to settle in with it quite yet. My attention span has been tricky lately, only allowing me to focus on television and graphic novels. I do have a good feeling about this book and I’m looking forward to being able to spend some quality time with it, soon.


I’m working on my pile for the upcoming Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon. I have a decent sized stack, including The Yellow Wallpaper by by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It’s the first readathon readalong!

Are you joining in on the readathon? Will you be reading The Yellow WallpaperWhat are you reading this week?

32 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What are you reading? 04/20/15

  1. I'm looking forward to the Dewey readathon, too! It'll be my first. I probably will only focus on one book, though, maybe two. I saw on a recent post of yours that you went to see Chris Hardwick live… we're seeing him in KC in November, can't wait! My husband is nuts over @midnight.


  2. Donner Dinner Party? Bwahahahahahaha! It really shouldn't be funny, but OMG that title is hilarious!I read The Yellow Wallpaper for a readathon a few years ago. It's intense. I think a lot of people will be pleasantly surprised how creepy it is.You have definitely piqued my interest on Ravensbrueck. Favorite historical time period ever, and it's a camp that doesn't get that much attention. I hope it is a good read for you because now I want to read it!


  3. It will!? Oh my gosh, so exciting! I always have to do short books, graphic novels are my fave that day. 😀 I did!! I took my son (got him tickets for Christmas) He was SO funny, you will love him! We watch him on The Talking Dead and @Midnight. Hell, I know him from his game show on MTV wayyyyy back in the day. (Singled Out)


  4. LOL, the title is awful and hilarious and I love it! I'm really looking forward to it. I honestly don't think I'd ever even head of that book before! Is that weird? Do I have to turn in my frequent reader card??Now I just wish I could get into it. It's me, not the book. I'm just not in the mood to read here in the past couple of days and it's so strange. I'm going to be so mad if this is the start of a slump.


  5. I'm finally reading We Should All Be Feminists!! The Socratic Salon introduced me to it and there was a kindle deal this weekend. Sisters looks cute.


  6. I can't wait to join in on the Dept. of Speculation discussion at the end of the month. I hadn't heard of The Yellow Wallpaper OR the Read-a-thon until just this morning. I actually have quite a bit of free time on Friday (hubby going out of town…Hooray?!?!?)!


  7. One of my students is reading Sisters. I hope it's good. I'm definitely doing the read-a-thon, but not the Yellow Wallpaper part. My relationship with the Yellow Wallpaper is one of those sad, sad stories where over-analyzing it in school has spoiled it for me. On the other hand, maybe that just means it's time to give it another try…


  8. Charlotte Perkins Gilman is great. If you like \”The Yellow Wallpaper\” (and, to be honest, even if you don't), you should check out her novella, Herland, which is about a group of men who stumble into an all-women community. Total classic. High school me wrote an essay about it and Kate Chopin's The Awakening my junior year. 🙂


  9. I'm glad to hear you'll be joining in the Dept. chat later on! LOVE that book. I hadn't heard of The Yellow Wallpaper either…where have I been? The readathon is on Saturday and I sure hope you can join in, even if for only an hour or two 😀


  10. Thanks so much for the heads up on the Readathon Readalong selection; I've just purchased a copy for my Kindle and signed up on Dewey's page! I'd already signed up to participate in the Readathon; this is my first one, so I'm pretty excited about it! It's also the day of the Arkansas Literary Festival, so I'll be spending some of my time listening to M.O. Walsh (My Sunshine Away) and Meili Cady (Smoke) in the afternoon. Thanks, Jennifer!


  11. Your first readathon! Wheeee, I hope you LOVE it. It's seriously the most fun. I'm super glad you're going to do the readalong too. I'm excited to read that one. I'll be kindle-ing mine as well. 😀 And wow, you're going to have a very bookish day that day!


  12. I'm SO EXCITED for my first readathon! I've already read The Yellow Wallpaper a million of times (it's so good), so I'm not going to get in on the readalong. I am going to try to fit Dept of Speculation in the day somewhere! I may or may not have a stack of 14 books haha.


  13. Hooray!! I've never read Wallpaper and I'm excited. Oh my word, do read Dept. of Speculation if you can. It's short, which is perfect for readathon day. AND it's excellent too…in my opinion anyway 😉 I hope you have a great day, you'll love it!


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