Weekly Wrap-Up 07/07/13


Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
The Firebird by Susanna Kearsley
The Violet Hour by Katherine Hill

The Sweetest Hallelujah by Elaine Hussey
The Wonder Bread Summer by Jessica Anya Blau
The Translator by Nina Schuyler
The Queen’s Vow by C.W. Gortner
Currently Reading:
The Light in the Ruins by Chris Bohjalian

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
Zinsky the Obscure by Ilan Mochari
Mandatory Release by Jess Riley
Bloggish/Bookish Business:
June Wrap-Up <~ It was a good month in books!
The first half of the year is over <~ I picked my favorite books for the 2nd quarter of 2013
I guest blogged at Sophisticated Dorkiness about my discovery of author Daniel James Brown. I hope you’ll check it out.
Congrats to Michelle from The True Book Addict. She won my 1st blogoversary giveaway, hooray!

I hope everyone had a great week and that all of my friends in the US had a fabulous 4th!

I totally wore this outfit on Thursday.

95 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap-Up 07/07/13

  1. Oww curious what you think of The Sweetest Hallelujah and The Light in the Ruins. I read the first and wanted to read the last but did not get approved :)Have a great week!


  2. It's funny I remember trying to read Robinson Crusoe when I was in high school and just being SO bored. I never finished it. I wanted to try again this year, but your review sort of brought back all the memories of why I had a hard time with it the first time. Lol. I'll be curious to hear how you like Prayer for Owen Meany…been on my list for awhile (I even own it) just haven't gotten around to reading it.


  3. Chris Bohjalian is one of those authors I keep meaning to read! Are you liking The Light in the Ruins so far? Have you read other books by him?


  4. I can't join in on any readalongs this month. I'm SO behind on reviews. Glad you mentioned your guest post at S.D. Somehow I had missed it. Great story!


  5. Sooooooo. . . I think that I might be the only person with her mind in the gutter but when I see the title \”Mandatory Release\” I'm thinking of a different type of \”release.\” Why? No clue! It just popped into my dirty mind.


  6. Thanks, so do I. He cracks me up 🙂 Thanks so much for saying that, you're my new favorite person, lol. ;)The Bohjalian is really good so far. There's a mystery and I'm trying to figure it out. I hope he surprises me!


  7. LOL ewwww Will Ferrell.I love how you post all the book and blogging stuff from the past week, you seem so organized and productive! I… am not. Lol.


  8. Sweet Hallelujah – I just received this one for review! It looks great!The Light in the Ruins by Chris Bohjalian – on my to-buy list! I hope you're enjoying it!A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving – on my TBR shelves as one of my \”Books I Must Read Before I Die\” :)Great reading week for you!


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