Weekly Wrap-Up 03/31/13

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila @ Book Journey

(Click to read my review)

Bloggish Business:

Melissa’s Bookshelf featured The Relentless Reader as part of the Getting to Know You challenge during Bloggiesta. Thanks again Melissa! Go show her some love, I’d appreciate it!

Angela at AJ Arndt Books mentioned me for a Your Blog is Fabulous Award. Thanks Angela!

Have you heard of Bloggers Recommend? From the website:
Bloggers Recommend is the brainchild of veteran book bloggers Jen of Devourer of Books and Nicole of Linus’s Blanket. The Bloggers Recommend mission is twofold:
  1. Provide a place for readers to learn about some of the best upcoming books every month.
  2. Highlight the recommendation power of both the blogger community and individual bloggers themselves.

Check it out, I think it’s going to be a great resource. Don’t forget to sign up for the monthly newsletter! You can see the inaugural issue here

I’m sure you’ve heard that Amazon has bought Goodreads. What does that mean? I don’t know! I’m trying very hard to withhold judgement until I see what changes take place.

I hope you all had a lovely week!

48 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap-Up 03/31/13

  1. I didn't particularly enjoy Frankenstein but, like you, I felt I just had to read it, as I do with most classics. Jess Walter was a funny and smart man when I saw him speak.


  2. Beautiful ruins looks like a nice book, is it set in Italy perhaps? (judging by the cover)It sounds like you had an amazing week with a loads of books, so I hope coming week will be as good, kind regards,


  3. The cover of Beautiful Ruins looks… Well, beautiful. Haha! Another great reading week for you… Does that mean lots of great reviews lined up for us? :-PI hope you enjoy your reads this week 🙂


  4. Looking forward to reading about Eighty Days 🙂 When I read about Bloggers Recommend the other day I thought I'd missed something for ages, so I'm glad to hear it's actually only just started.


  5. Frankenstein, Beautiful Ruins and the 80 Days book are all on my to read lists. You had a great reading week and thanks for the info about Bloggers Recommend. I had noted that and will try to participate more, it's for book reviews on books that have not yet been published right? Great weekly wrap up, you always have great books to share.


  6. Thanks so much for sharing news of Bloggers Recommend! Looks like a great idea and something to look forward to particularly in light of the Goodreads sale, which I was shocked and bummed to hear about. I'm not completely anti-Amazon, but it is frightening that they're buying up so many bookish resources. I also don't respect some of their business practices, but am taking a wait-and-see approach.


  7. The cover of Beautiful Ruins always makes me want to hop on a plane for the Mediterranean. I'm just despondent about the GR/Amazon thing, but I'm trying to wait and see. But while I'm waiting-and-seeing I'm also importing my books into LibraryThing. Just in case…Enjoy your week!


  8. Hope trolls don't make the journey from Amazon to GR … oops reserving judgement lol. Looking forward to your thoughts on The Aviator's Wife. Have another great week and happy reading 🙂


  9. I'm popping over to the Bloggers Recommend thing, it sounds really interesting so thanks for the link!I'm also curious to see what it's going to mean to have Amazon owning Goodreads. I personally don't have any problems with Amazon, but I generally like GR the way it is. I really enjoy the community feel of it, the ability to have friends, see their updates, and all that stuff. So I hope none of that changes. I guess we'll see what comes of it!


  10. You're very welcome, Jennifer! Your blog IS fabulous 🙂 It will be interesting to see the evolution of Goodreads with Amazon as a parent….


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