Happy Holidays from The Relentless Reader

It’s been a very busy couple of days filled with family, food, and fun. Normally you’d find my weekly wrap-up here today but I’m on my way to another celebration! I did want to make sure to wish you a very happy holiday season.

I hope you are thoroughly enjoying yourselves!

I’d love to know if you found any books under your tree or in your stocking this year? 

6 thoughts on “Happy Holidays from The Relentless Reader

  1. I did get a book! My hubby gave me The Witches by Stacy Schiff. I learned a new trick to make sure to get a book – take pictures of the covers with the price tag and send him a text message letting him know where to get the book. I'm going to do the same thing for my mom next year, who told me she'd have no idea what book to get me (this despite me often talking about books I want to read on my blog!).


  2. My family, being massive, does Christmas lists, which means I nearly always get books for Christmas. This year I got TEN. TEN BOOKS. It is a banner year for books-getting. I have them all piled up on the coffee table in my living room so I can look at them gloatingly. 😀 😀


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