It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 07/06/2015

(Click on each book for more information)

The Library at Mount Char is…wow, almost indescribable. I hope this mind-bender is on your radar!

Currently Reading:

Don’t you love a nonfiction book that fills your head with facts? The Oregon Trail is the nerdy, information packed, funny but factual, type of nonfiction that I adore. 


The options are endless which makes decision making extremely difficult. I’m running into that a lot more often lately. 
What are you reading this week?

24 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 07/06/2015

  1. The Oregon Trail book does seem right up your alley, Jennifer! I am a fan of the \”pick up a stack of books and read the first five pages of each to see what sticks\” method of choosing a new read. However you pick your next book, I hope it's awesome!


  2. I've had Oregon Trail on my Kindle for months, and it sounds fantastic, but I just can't quiiiiite motivate myself to read it.Options are good! I've been allowing myself to mood read since I got back from BEA, and it's wonderful — but, like you, I have no idea what's coming next!


  3. The Library at Mount Char looks so good!! Enjoy picking your upcoming read. Being able to choose is always overwhelming and nice 🙂


  4. I started The Star Side of Bird Hill by Naomi Jackson last night and am liking what I've read, so far. I have The Library at Mount Char but haven't read it, yet. I'm happy to see I chose well. 🙂 Maybe that's what I'll be reading next week. 😉


  5. The Oregon Trial sounds like my kind of nonfiction! I'm going to finish Bonjour Tristesse this afternoon and am not quite sure what I'll start next.


  6. Pretty new color scheme! I really want to read The Oregon Trail because I played the game endlessly in elementary school. Ha! Can't wait to read Mount Char! Maybe that one will be next.


  7. I added Mount Char to my list when another blogger shared her praise on FB. I guess it's good, huh? Have yet to start it.


  8. Thanks to a childhood obsession with the computer game, I feel that I must now read The Oregon Trail. Will you stop reading so many awesome books so that I stop having to get them all?!? 🙂


  9. The cover for the Hawkins book is awesome. And like the commenter before me, I may have to read The Oregon Trail because I remember it so fondly from grade school.


  10. I'm reading Missoula right now… makes me not want to be around any man but the honeyman, like ever. SO sickening and infuriating.I was also planning to read Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski this month… thinking that may have to wait a bit. Not sure if I'll be able to fully enjoy it so soon after reading a book about rape :-/


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