It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 06/08/2015


Dietland by Sarai Walker was a subversive little piece of fun. We might be talking about this over on The Socratic Salon later on this summer. You’ll want to hunt down a copy. It’s worthy of a discussion, that’s for sure.

Safekeeping by Jessamyn Hope was marvelous. It hit all the right notes and I’m going to be pondering the ending for a long while. 

Currently Reading:

I’m reading Misery as part of a readalong. There’s nothing like a Uncle Stevie readalong. I’m always so happy to be re-reading an old favorite with a group of fabulous people. 

I have so much good stuff coming up that I don’t know where to start. The Beautiful Bureaucrat is certainly one that I’m looking forward to. Just look at that cover! Swoon.

What are you reading?

28 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 06/08/2015

  1. I just read Monika's (Lovely Bookshelf) post on Dietland and I would love to read it! I've not heard of Safekeeping, but I'm going to have to look that one up; I like its cover, as well! The cover of The Beautiful Bureaucrat IS amazing, though – wow! I'm a sucker for a cool cover, I have to admit. I'm currently reading Summerlong by Dean Bakopoulos, speaking of pretty covers; I've really enjoyed it, so far, and I'm almost finished. Hope your Monday is going well!


  2. Dietland and Safekeeping both sound good… off to find out more about them.I'm reading Elena Ferrante's The Story of a New Name now. Not usually one for series, but am enjoying this.


  3. Dietland just came into the library for me, so pumped to get to that soon! I'm SUPER intrigued by The Beautiful Bureaucrat with all the recent chatter, but have some June releases to get through first!


  4. It's such a good problem to have lots and lots of great reading options! This is my first time seeing Safekeeping, so I'm off to check it out. Have an awesome week! 🙂


  5. I saw that axe on the cover and I STILL did not quite see what happened coming in Misery. It was all so psychological up to that point, just tense. And then Uncle Stevie went and made me throw up a little in my mouth. I can hardly make myself read on but also hardly make myself put it down!


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