Readathon Mini Reviews!

I decided to read short classics for Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon. It was one of the smarter decisions I’ve made! (For the October event I might go the nostalgia route like Charleen. I think that’s kinda brilliant.)
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
Nope. Turns out I had accidentally requested a serialized children’s version from my local library. I read nearly 50 pages before I realized my mistake. Whoops! I want to read the real thing, and soon. Those Morlocks freak me out and I wanna know more.
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Why did I make it to the age of…old before I got around to reading this? What can I say about it that you don’t already know? It’s biting satire of the finest sort. If you haven’t read it yet that should be the first thing you do. Today. Now. What are you waiting for?
This might be the perfect short story. It’s short, bright, powerful, sharp, and HELLO IT’S SALINGER. 
The Member of the Wedding by Carson McCullers
There’s something about McCuller’s writing that makes one feel lonely and somber. You may have noticed that I actually like those sort of stories. Reading The Member of the Wedding was like listening to sad songs when your heart is broken. Necessary.
The Stranger by Albert Camus
Go into this one without reading the flap if you can. The story would have hit me a bit harder had I gone in totally blind. It was good, if not my exact cup of tea. It’s twisty, dark, and a bit philosophical. 
Oh my word. What an eerie and first-rate book. It was my first Jackson and I can promise you that it won’t be my last. How did she write like that? Do you ever wonder if some authors sell their souls to gain their skills? Damn.
The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman (Issues 26 – 38)
Not classics, (yet!) but they helped me cleanse my readerly palate in between the heavier reads above. They are bite-sized (ZOMBIE PUN!) guilty pleasure reads and I don’t regret a minute of it. These comics are making my Goodreads stats look all wonky but I’ll figure it out at the end of the year.

Another successful readathon is in the books! (Ha ha, BOOK PUN!)

39 thoughts on “Readathon Mini Reviews!

  1. Are you reading each TWD comic separately, or are you reading them in collected volumes? I was worried about my GR stats, too, but I've been reading them as collected volumes so I'm still adding whole books to GR instead of each separate issue.


  2. I am so, so desperate to grab a copy of We Have Always Lived in the Castle. I KNOW I will love it. It's one of those books I search for whenever I walk into a used book store or library sale, even though I know I could go grab a new copy now. I just want to find it.


  3. You chose some GREAT stuff! Some I've read already, and some of them are sitting around here calling to me from the shelves. Of the lot, We Have Always Lived in the Castle is my super-fave. I adore Jackson so much!


  4. I kind of loved my nostalgia read-a-thon. In the early morning when I hadn't even planned on being awake anymore, I think classic BSC was about the only thing my brain could have handled.What I found so interesting about my BSC and Nancy Drew reads was that a lot of scenes came back to me word-for-word. I knew exactly how a character was going to respond, or a certain bit of description, just before I actually read it. Apparently I re-read these a ton as a kid. It was the same kind of feeling as hearing a song you haven't heard since high school and realizing you still know all the words.


  5. Wow, you rocked it! I managed two books only, but I'm pleased with that. So glad you liked We Have Always Lived in the Castle — it is so deliciously messed up! I haven't read Animal Farm, which oddly enough my wife just mentioned the other night randomly, so perhaps I will this summer!


  6. I think it was such a good idea and I'm already thinking of what I'll put on my stack in October 😀 Oh my gosh, yes! I know what you're talking about because I recently reread Flowers in the Attic and the very same thing happened to me. It was pretty amazing 🙂


  7. Nice work! I mean, you already do a phenomenal job raising the average number of books read per person, singlehandedly. But this is impressive for one long stretch. I'm interested in your reaction to Animal Farm. I haven't read it since I was in junior high for English class, and I remember thinking that it was so in your face. I wonder if I'd have a different reaction reading it as an adult…


  8. That's a perfect idea for a readathon! I might have to try that once. Animal Farm and The Stranger are two of my favorite classics. Glad you read them!


  9. Lol, thanks! It turned out to be a very productive day.I think it really does matter how old we are when we read a certain book. For example, I'm convinced that I love The Catcher in the Rye because I read it when I was younger, etc.


  10. Looks like a successful readathon for you! Nothing like a good, shorter book to help you feel like you're getting somewhere. I'm going to pull some from my piles for Bout of Books,


  11. This time around was my first readathon and it was a blast! I LOVE the idea of a themed approach however particularly enabling me to do some re-reading. I find that I never make time to re-read old favorites because of all the guilt over the new books I could be reading but setting aside 14 hours to visit Narnia again sounds totally doable and like amazing amounts of fun. Like, do I have to wait until October amounts of fun. Glad you liked Shirley JAckson – she's awesome. The only other one I have read from your stack is The Stranger which I read in high school. My major memory of it is that I think the song Killing of an Arab by The Cure is based on this book. Glad to see where my priorities were:)


  12. I think I mentioned it on Goodreads, but I LOVE Carson McCullers. The Member of the Wedding is my favorite. If I ever have a daughter, I will seriously consider naming her Frances/Frankie.


  13. Ahh, The Stranger. I read that for the first time this year (I think? Or was it last year…) and enjoyed it. Wish I had read it in school, I would've liked discussing it in a group.Also, this: \”They are bite-sized (ZOMBIE PUN!)\” just made my day.


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