Weekly Wrap-Up 07/21/13

The Wonder Bread Summer by Jessica Anya Blau
The Light in the Ruins by Chris Bohjalian
Mandatory Release by Jess Riley

I read a lot this week. It was too bleeping hot to do anything else!
Tampa by Alissa Nutting
The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison
Zinsky the Obscure by Ilan Mochari
Currently Reading:

Bloggish/Bookish Business:

The Summer Mini-Bloggiesta was this weekend. While I didn’t officially participate I did check out a few of the challenges:

Thanks to Monika’s Challenge I finally figured out how to actually use the domain name I purchased almost a year ago. I’m feeling all legit now. No more blogspot in my name, yahoo!

Tanya posted a great article about leaving engaging and valuable comments. <~~Wonderful tips, check it out!

Isn’t this fantastic??

Can I quickly say that I HATE CAPTCHA? I spend as much time typing in those ridiculous things as I do commenting. There are other options that don’t require your readers to jump through hoops. (Don’t allow anonymous comments, boom!)

I’m going to host an ASS KICKING giveaway soon. You won’t want to miss it. If I were you? I’d totally follow The Relentless Reader by clicking on the following icon:

Follow on Bloglovin

Did you have a great week? Read something amazing? Tell me about it!

52 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap-Up 07/21/13

  1. I realized the same thing about flying through my books this week when I noticed I had FOUR books I had to write reviews for this weekend. Pilgrim's Wilderness! Get ready to have the heebees! I loveeee the comment vomit badge more than I can say.


  2. Love the gif. Hate hate hate captchas. Ugh, like whyyyyyy? And they totally prevent commenting. Unless I LOVE your blog, I totally unfollow most blogs with captcha because it just adds an annoyance to me commenting. Don't you WANT my comments? And you know, I'm jealous jealous jealous of you getting Tampa. It's like the only book on my mind at the moment, I am dying to read it!


  3. Blogger's commenting system is LAME enough without Captcha! They add a lot of time and annoyance to something that should be easy and breezy. Let's go on a mission to stop people from using it!! :DI really hope that Ecco sends you a copy darn it!!


  4. It finally cooled down and I am SO GLAD! When I first started blogging Captcha didn't bother me nearly as much as it does now 😉 It's probably because I follow so many blogs now? I LIKE to comment and interact with people and Captcha makes that difficult. Boo.


  5. I'm finishing up my Sunday Salon post and was stunned to see how much I read. It's definitely because of the heat, absolutely. July is usually one of my best reading months for that reason. Same here with the dislike for Captcha. I also feel that way with Disqus. I find that cumbersome, and so I find myself not commenting on blogs that have that. Which is a shame. If they have a FB page, I'll sometimes meander over there, but it's definitely a hinderance.


  6. Another thing I don't like is not being able to post my own name and link instead of Google profile, so other people have to search for my blog. 🙂 Hint, hint, hint. I have a WordPress.ORG blog and isn't covered by your commenting options. BUT like Melissa, I sometimes comment elsewhere: Facebook, Twitter…if I have to and I care to take the time.


  7. I know Bryan! I know!! 🙂 I wish that Blogger had a better option! Their commenting system is ultra-lame. I've been thinking about making a switch to WP for that very reason. Maybe one of these days.


  8. Thanks for sharing my commenting post and spreading the word on \”comment vomit\” and banning Captcha. Glad you had a great reading week. mine has been slooowww and I gotta see how Devil in the White City ends. Hope you enjoy your current read, I got it too and need to get to it!!


  9. Thanks for the review of Light in the Ruins, been hearing a lot about that one. Sounds very good. And the comment article was great, thanks for that link. And yes down with CAPTCHA!


  10. It seems like fewer and fewer bloggers use Captcha so when I hit on one it seems even more annoying than before. Will check out the article you mention!


  11. I agree. My personal blog is Blogger and my book blog is WordPress, and the longer I'm on WordPress, the more annoyed I get with Blogger. Not that WordPress is perfect, but I think if I were to list everything that bugs me about either platform, Blogger's comments would be at the top of the list.


  12. I'm reading Tampa right now. There is a dark and twisted side of me that is really enjoying it. I really want to get my hands on a copy of The Silent Wife. I tried and my not-so-local B&N didn't have a copy (of all the horrors). Welcome to the world of no blogspot.com. Isn't it a great feeling to see that up there? Captcha doesn't bother me as much as it does others, perhaps because almost everyone I follow and for whom I leave comments doesn't use it. I really dislike Captcha when it comes to blogging events like the readathon or Armchair BEA. Just turn it off for a few days, people!!


  13. Tampa..whew. I honestly don't know if I'll be able to review it. The story is still spinning through my mind though!I feel like a REAL blogger now, lol.I've run into a ton of Captchas lately which is probably why I'm up in arms over it. A lot of people don't know they have it or don't realize that there are other options to stop spam comments. I WILL INFORM THEM ALL! Lol 😉


  14. Thanks 😀 Even though I HATED the hot weather it sure did boost my weekly reading time. Isn't it though?? I hear you. If I have to refresh it half a dozen times just to make out the letters? I'm outta there.


  15. Here in the Netherlands it is also very hot (over 30 degrees centigrade) and I am also reading quite a lot! I am looking forward to your review on Owen Meany (you haven't posted it yet, have you? I did not miss it?)Have a great (although warm) week & kind regards,


  16. I had the exact opposite reading problem: I read almost nothing last week. I dislike CAPCHA greatly, unless it has funny words.


  17. Ugh, Captcha. I think that most of the bloggers these days don't realize that it's on and never think to check it. During readathons I literally beg everyone on Twitter to double-check their comment settings, just in case.And I love that comment vomit image, that is too cute! Hope you're staying cool 🙂 (Although maybe not, because you are a reading machine in the heat!!)


  18. I think you're right about that! It's the default setting (DUMB) so I think a lot of folks are unaware that they are using it. Whenever I run into it now I gently tell people that it's a pain in the ass, ha ha. It finally cooled down here yesterday. I was SO THANKFUL!


  19. Argh, captcha, yes. Every now and then I'll have a patient day, but if I can't get it right the first time (especially when you know you typed in what you can see) I leave. I've only so much time to comment. I've read a lot this week, too, due to the weather, and as much as I'd like to say I haven't commented much because of my holiday, it was just as much to do with the heat. Can't complain though, here at least it's about time!


  20. That's a lot of reading! I'm envious; I didn't get nearly that much done. Though I suppose I got some other things done, so I shouldn't complain. Good for you for putting your domain name to use! I bought one about 4 months ago, and I still haven't figured out how use it. Unfortunately, I bought it through another service (GoDaddy), so I'm not sure I can get it to work with a blog that is still hosted on Blogger. Have a great week, and enjoy your new books!


  21. I detest the word verification thingie. I'm always getting it wrong too, and I hate how it does the double-loading thing too: you hit publish, it reloads, and I think I'm done but I check anyway, scroll back down and BOOM there it is! Verify you're not spam, then hit publish AGAIN! Drives me bonkas. I dislike Blogger's comment set-up overall, though it's good to see people changing their settings these days so it's more user-friendly (what I'd like to see next is a way to know that someone has replied to your comment so you can go back and continue the conversation – as it is I always forget where I've been etc. so often don't even see someone's reply).You really know how to get me ranting Jennifer! 😉 I have a friend who blogs at Hello From Tassie and she didn't even know hers was on, and she doesn't know how to turn it off – and I can't advise her as I've never used Blogger. (and she's got baby #2 now so it's not a high priority)You got so much reading done, I'm very impressed! It was painfully hot here last week too, but humidity slows me down big time.


  22. Meaningful comments are lovely, but I don't mind \”quickies\” either. If someone takes the time to say \”hey,\” I'm thrilled!!! I have to say that I *love, love, love* the comment system on the free WordPress blogs. Quite an improvement over Blogger's.P.S. I'm intrigued by Pilgrim's Wilderness. I have a thing for Alaska.


  23. The heat did it for me. When it's in the high 90's I don't want to do ANYTHING else 😉 That's where I bought my domain as well. It wasn't fun but after a lot of googling and searching through GoDaddy's help section I got it figured out. You can do it, it's just kinda a pain in the butt, lol.Thanks Lark, same to you!


  24. Bloggers comment system is lame. I really wish they'd change it. It doesn't work well for bloggers who are on WordPress from what I hear 😦 I wanted to ask you a question here and give you some advice for your friend but I'm guessing you won't see it, LOL. Damn.


  25. I love me some comments, no matter what they are. Well, unless they are spam or just HEY I FOLLOWED YOU WILL YOU FOLLOW ME? 😉 I finished Pilgrim's Wilderness this evening, it was so good!! SO good.


  26. I'm here, I remembered!! By all means give me some simple steps I can pass on to her, I think she'd appreciate it (she's pretty new to blogging in general and I don't think she has much interest in learning the nitty-gritty of using the internet – not that I could help much on that anyway, I didn't know what I was doing when I set up mine and I still don't!). I know I would appreciate not having to use Captcha every time!I've always thought WordPress is easy for Blogspot-users to leave comments on – would you say so? I mean it seems simple to me, you just type in your name and email, and you can tick the box to get notifications of replies… A lot of blogspot blogs, I had to create a Google account just so I could leave comments (hmm actually yours is like that – I don't have the option of going by my url. But at least I don't have to run through hoops!).


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