Monthly Wrap-Up: May 2014

I read 5 books in May, you guys. FIVE
In comparison? I read 16 books in May of 2013
I have a whole list of excuses reasons for not reading very much. There was school, there was Netflix, there was a slump of epic proportions. 
Adding insult to injury is the fact that I couldn’t give these books the chance that they deserved. My attitude was craptacular. I was skimming, rolling my eyes, and not giving books the time and attention that I normally do. I have a few thoughts about each of them but I warn you to take my “opinions” with a grain of salt…because I’m a jerk. 
Cheesy, ridiculous, and unputdownable. I’d really like to plow ahead with this series but I’m trying to pace myself so I don’t bypass my son. Teen boys are sensitive creatures when it comes to The Walking Dead.

Filled with stunning stories that I was too crabby to appreciate. Are you a fan of short stories? Get your hands on a copy of The Heaven of Animals.

I’ll have you know that I’m ruining my adolescence by re-reading this series. When I was 12 OMG THESE ARE THE BEST BOOKS I’VE EVER READ OMG. Oh, Petals on the Wind, you are nearly unbearable to read at my current age. Let’s call you a guilty pleasure. 

Tom’s River really got the short end of the stick from me and it’s the one that I feel the guiltiest about. I took too long to read it so it felt disconnected and lost a lot of its punch. Don’t let my idiocy prevent you from reading this fantastic piece of nonfiction. It’s important and you should definitely add it to your wish list.

A story about the inspiration for Goodnight Moon!? Sign me up! What could have been a deliciously bookish celebration of women’s friendship turned into a cliched tale of insta-love. Blerg. Goodnight June was not my cup of tea…but it might be yours.

How was your May? I’m hoping that it was fab! I’m so ready to shut the door on this month and move onto the next:

I neeeeeed you to be.

41 thoughts on “Monthly Wrap-Up: May 2014

  1. This happens to all of us. I hate it when I get in those slumps, but I am learning to be patient with myself. I step back from reading and visit other blogs. Then, I try to find that one book that seems like it will shake me emotionally. THat will usually do it for me. Here's to a better June. Cheers.


  2. Don't you hate it when you find yourself in one of those moods. I do. I have a hard time even picking up a book when that happens. At least you made it through five. June will be better.


  3. I hate it when I'm in one of those reading 'moods'/'slumps' where nothing is working for me. I experienced this the last week of May actually – countless books were started, and promptly abandoned. I just ended up starting my June TBR early. Here's to a better June!:-)Bits & Bobs


  4. I feel ya. I've been reading much less than I did last year too. But, as long as we're still reading, and enjoying what we read, that's what counts the most, right?


  5. I've had major interruptions with my reading this month too. One college graduation with a graduation party for 50, one high school graduation coming this Saturday with another graduation party, a death in the family with a week in PA trying to help out, and cramming to get caught up in our homeschooling. Eek! …….Shoot, and all our friends are at BEA. I'm totally jealous of them.


  6. I totally know what you mean about books you just groan and drag yourself through. Hopefully next month will be full of lovely, engaging books to start off summer. Will you done with school in June?


  7. May was ok for me, My average is 8-10 books. I enjoyed Goodnight June for what it was, but I agree I could have lived without the predictable love story and back story to who June really was, I figured that out early….kind of duh. Onward to June!!!


  8. hee hee These mini reviews made me laugh! I think I should do this with all of my backlog! I had a busy May and am VERY glad I stuck with Armchair BEA. I'm exhausted and would love to have a June where I just sit in the backyard and read, read, read. (No, I know it's not going to happen…)


  9. Aww, what a sucky slumpy month. June will be better! I know it! (Maybe start it off with a re-read or something you're sure to love, just to make sure you start on the right track!)


  10. OH man, who has the time or the energy for full reviews of every single book anymore? Well…I SHOULD have both of those things but they are in short supply lately so this is what happens, lol. I hope you do end up having a June like that 😀


  11. I had a strange month for May, first a reading slump, then a crochet frenzy, then a mini self imposed read-a-thon. It was a weird month for me.Anyway, I hope next month is better reading wise. I've had my eye on Tom's River and I purchased Flowers In the Attic for re-reading, but I agree, sometimes books like those are better read as teens.


  12. LOL, oh Jennifer, I miss you when you're slumping! I feel like I missed the boat on the whole VC Andrews thing because I didn't read them young. I think at this point it would just be ridiculous.


  13. Girl, better to not read when your slumping than plow through things you might have enjoyed otherwise… Am I right, or am I right? 🙂 Here's to June!


  14. I have been having bad reading months by now so I totally hear you. Love your new review style though 😉 Just take your time and try to grab that one book you have been dying to read or watch netflix for a whole month 😉


  15. I don't have the excuse of kids, anymore, but they did come to visit around Memorial Day and spent a few days all together, so that made for a busy week!


  16. Yeah, I always know I need to lay off the reading and just chill with SIMS3 when I hate everything. I totally know how you feel!


  17. I hear ya! Even though I read good books this month, it was a slow month, interrupted by work and life! I'm counting on June to turn it all around!


  18. Five books in one month would be killin' for me… sigh. March/April/some-May were just crap for reading. I am stuck on Margaret Atwood's \”The Blind Assassin\”… going on 5 weeks now since I first picked it up. And I love Atwood!! Grrr. Hoping for a better June myself!


  19. I keep meaning to read The Walking Dead series; I love the show (although I am still five episodes behind). As for slumps – well I've been in one on and off since the arrival of my daughter…two years ago! Right now I can't seem to read more than two-three pages of any one book.


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