I Have Been… 02/21/13

I started A Tree Grows in Brooklyn last night. I haven’t read it in ages. It’s on my Classics Club List and on my 2013 TBR Pile Challenge list. 2 birds, 1 stone. Win!
There isn’t much music going on around here lately. Does American Idol count? 
I recently started watching Doctor Who. I’m on season 2. Thank you Netflix. Thank you from the bottom of my nerdy little heart. It’s so cheesy and awesome. Also, David Tennant is deliciously hilarious. 
Hello Doctor. I adore you.
The other day I watched The Dark Ages from The History Channel. It was fascinating! What a time to be alive. If you lived longer than 6 months that is. It wasn’t the most pleasant of ages. You can watch the trailer here.
I’m feeling COLD. It’s 4 degrees right now. That’s better than the way below zero stuff we were getting but I’m ready to start bitching about how hot it is instead.
Hey winter? Suck it.
I recently won Aesop’s Fables from The Book Garden and Bleak House from Lost Generation Reader. I’m looking forward to their arrival.
My son got me hooked on The Walking Dead. While he was sick we watched the first 2.5 seasons in the span of a few days. (That’s about the only way he’ll spend time with me. He’s 14. He doesn’t think his mom is cool anymore. Sniff.) Now I have to wait a whole week for each episode. Boo to that! I wish it was on daily. I can’t get enough of the disgusting perfection of that show.
Interacting and chatting with fellow book lovers is the best thing that has come out of my decision to blog. I have the best pals on Twitter and Facebook. I appreciate those of you that read and comment on my ramblings here. You make me feel all smushy and gooey inside. I want to hug you. Is that weird? 

24 thoughts on “I Have Been… 02/21/13

  1. As always, I love the gifs! And I'm so with you on the cold. Can it please be summer? I'd so much rather be sweating in the sun than shivering under two pairs of sweatpants, a sweater, and a robe inside my own house.


  2. I enjoyed all the elements of your post! I do enjoy your updates on facebook, some lovely thoughts about books and reading. Lindsayhttp://thelittlereaderlibrary.blogspot.co.uk/


  3. My college-aged daughter got me hooked on The Walking Dead over Christmas break. I love it and hate myself for loving it. Now that she's back at school, we text each other while watching it. I'm sure your son thinks you're awesome for enjoying it with him!


  4. Yes to what you've said about blogging, sometimes you get so into the reading and forget that actually the best part is the community. You may have to wait for Waking The Dead, but at least you can continue Doctor Who in the meantime. It's not fun when you've run out of episodes of all shows you're watching.


  5. I'm with you on both Doctor Who and The Walking Dead. I'm only starting Season 2 on TWD, but am on Season 3 on DW. My wife won't watch TWD with me, because she doesn't like zombies. I don't know if I'm \”thrilled\” by zombies either, but the writing is really, really good.


  6. The Walking Dead is SO good, but I can't watch it by myself. Too gory and frightening, but I can handle it when he's sitting next to me. We aren't very far into the first season for obvious reasons, but we will get through them eventually.


  7. I've been re-watching Doctor Who (while drinking tea out of my disappearing TARDIS mug, of course) and am currently on season 2. Ah, David Tennant – he is the best :)Everyone raves about The Walking Dead – but I can't watch it. Maybe it's because I watched the first episode late at night, but it is too scary for me!


  8. I ja'dore David Tennet and Captain Jack. Welcome to the Whoverse!Yea for Walking Dead too. sorry that you're son is at that age but at least you have zombies to bond over. Enjoy your week 🙂


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