The Guilty One by Lisa Ballantyne

Publisher: William Morrow
Publication Date: March 2013
Categories: Murder, Literary, Mystery
Source: William Morrow
Moving and suspenseful, Lisa Ballantyne’s The Guilty One is a psychological journey about the darkness in all of us that explores how we are all tied to our pasts, and what it means to be guilty.

Solicitor Daniel Hunter is called to defend 11-year-old Sebastian, charged with the murder of a young boy on a London playground. While examining Sebastian’s life in order to save it, Daniel can’t help but be transported to his own difficult youth spent in foster care and how the one he trusted the most was the one who betrayed him…

My Thoughts:

Do you ever finish a book and feel like you were hit in the heart repeatedly with a cast iron pan? Yea. This book made me feel like that. In a good way though, I promise!

Daniel is a solicitor defending an 11 year old from a murder charge. Sebastian is smart, sweet, and absolutely CREEPY. I really couldn’t decide whether or not he was guilty. The courtroom scenes are realistic but not boring. I was fascinated by those chapters.

In alternate chapters we learn about Daniel’s own traumatic childhood. He was shuttled to and from different foster homes until he was finally taken in for good by a woman named Minnie. Sadly, he was unforgivably betrayed by Minnie and hasn’t spoken to her in years.

Daniel sees himself in Sebastian and defends him vigorously. Will it be enough? You’ll have to read it to find out! No spoilers here folks, move along.

The Guilty One is an incredible story with some of the best characters I’ve ever read about. I can’t stop thinking about them. It’s twisty and turny and has a fantastic ending.

Also? Kids + Creepiness = Awesome

16 thoughts on “The Guilty One by Lisa Ballantyne

  1. Ah, the review I was waiting for, and the book did not disappoint as I was hoping! You know it's a good book when your thoughts still turn to it once you've read it. I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for this one, sounds like my kind of books. Thanks for the review 🙂


  2. what an enthusiastic review, Jennifer!I didn't know the book but I suppose it will be translated if people in the US finally find it as fascitating as you did.I want to know more about that creepy boy!


  3. This one sounds so good! I think it was the TLC tour list, but I passed on it, because I wasn't too sure about it. I thought it might depress me and creep me out. Now I'm wishing I had selected it! Will definitely be kindling for my summer reading. I like that it has court room drama – exciting!


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