The Bracelet by Roberta Gately

Publisher: Gallery Books
Publication Date: November 2012
Category: Contemporary Women, War, Pakistan

Newly heartbroken and searching for purpose in her life, Abby Monroe is determined to make her mark as a UN worker in one of the world’s most unstable cities: Peshawar, Pakistan. But after witnessing the brutal murder of a woman thrown from a building, she is haunted by the memory of an intricate and sparkling bracelet that adorned the victim’s wrist.

At a local women’s shelter, Abby meets former sex slaves who have miraculously escaped their captors. As she gains the girls’ trust and documents their horrifying accounts of unspeakable pain and betrayal, she joins forces with a dashing New York Times reporter who believes he can incriminate the shadowy leader of the vicious human trafficking ring. Inspired by the women’s remarkable bravery—and the mysterious reappearance of the bracelet— the duo traces evidence that spreads from remote villages of South Asia to the most powerful corners of the West, risking their lives to offer a voice to the countless innocents in bondage.

My Thoughts:
The Good: 
This book highlights the horrors of human trafficking. Fast paced. Humorous.
The Bad: 
Predictable romance. (Boy meets girl. Boy and girl immediately dislike each other. Until suddenly…they’re in love!) Clueless protagonist. Unrealistic. Simple.
The Ugly: By focusing on a love story and barely scraping the surface of human trafficking Gately missed the opportunity to educate her readers on a very real issue. 
Though I wasn’t a giant fan of this book I do have high hopes for the author. With a bit of polish I think she’ll have better luck with future endeavors.

A recent op-ed piece by Roberta Gately

If you read the article above you’ll learn that Gately has experience as a nurse and humanitarian aid worker. I wonder if I would like a nonfiction account of her time in 3rd world war zones better than I liked The Bracelet? Perhaps.

13 thoughts on “The Bracelet by Roberta Gately

  1. Bummer. There are probably several non-fiction books on the subject of human trafficking. I listened to a podcast a while ago about it and was riveted. I have to admit, for myself, I'd probably not pick up something like this—despite the interesting real-life issues, I couldn't deal with the romancey fluff.


  2. It's a shame this didn't work for you — it definitely had the potential to be a lot more than a predictable romance. Based on what I read in your post, I'd love to read a memoir by this author. Her life sounds rich and fascinating.


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