Let’s Talk! 11/30/12

Welcome to the Let’s Talk weekly discussion meme!

today’s question:

How much time do you think you spend on blogging each week, including commenting on other blogs, participating in events, Twitter/Facebook blog talk, etc? Do you have a time management system that works well for you? We’d love to know!
Time management?! Bwahahahaha!
How much time do I spend on blogging and other social media? Oh mama. I don’t know. I don’t think I want to know. A lot ok?? 
I’m coming up on my 6 month blogoversary. Perhaps because I’m still in the honeymoon phase I’m all Blog/Comment/Twitter/Facebook crazy? Maybe? Sounds good to me!

19 thoughts on “Let’s Talk! 11/30/12

  1. Ahhh the Honeymoon phase! Enjoy it!!! It's been three years for me so I went through the separation phase but I'm coming back around and enjoying myself again.


  2. I have to say I love blogging too, and while I don't have tons of time to spend on it – I actually think about it – how to improve my blog etc. – when I'm not blogging too. I'm not even going to count that time, or it wouldbe hours a day!


  3. When I first started blogging, I worked 2nd shift, so I actually had a lot more time to work on blogging than I do now that I work 1st! I still love it though and wish for more time to spend on it. Thanks for stopping by!Vyki @ On The Shelf


  4. I SHOULD blog a lot more, but the past month has been crazy and I have been slacking. I'm still in the less-than-six-months-phase, so I haven't quite established a routine.


  5. :))))I began with my Spanish blog 4 years ago, and I can tell you that now is like the first month!! I agree: I don't know how much time I spend with all the blog stuff!!


  6. I need an organization outline please! 🙂 I feel like I have been flying by the seat of my pants since I started blogging. Wait. I think I do that with almost everything. Hmmm….I see a New Year's Resolution coming out of this…I've bought a calendar so I'm going to start:1. Keeping up with my running-check it off when I've blogged about it2. Keep up with books read-check it off when I've blogged about it3. Not sure about the teaching stuff yetThis is what I'm wondering. I want to join some reading challenges for 2013-how in the heck do I keep up with THAT?????Any suggestions?Shannonhttp://www.irunreadteach.wordpress.com


  7. I can't seem to come up with a plan..being organized would be nice but I haven't been successful at it yet, lol! If you find something that works let me know!As far as challenges go I'm going to try very hard to stay away from them in 2013. *TRY* 😉 I'll be doing Dewey's Readathon when that comes up again because it is FANTASTIC. But the pressure of ALL THE OTHER THINGS you can join made me about lose my mind in the last 6 months, lol.


  8. I keep up with challenges by making a page on my wordpress menu bar called Challenges, then put a page underneath it for each challenge that I'm working on. I update them as I do my reviews. That helps me, but sometimes I have to get all pen and paper and write down what I'm missing and my plan to finish the challenge! I'm http://www.loveatfirstbook.com if you want to check my strategy out!


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