
Leave the classics alone!!!!
This disturbs me in ways I can’t even begin to explain! Literary classics getting an erotic makeover? I don’t like when any of those wonderful books are messed with in any way. (Adding zombies to Pride & Prejudice!?) But this? This is just all sorts of wrong. 
Per Huff Post Books. <~~~Read the article by clicking there, if you can stomach it. 

12 thoughts on “Uh…NO.

  1. What?! Is this going to be written in the same manner as P&P&Zombies? I'm okay if these people used the these classic characters in re-write it in their own words. But I'm not okay when the original text just gets boosted with \”extra\” material. That's just wrong.


  2. Oh. No.They're messing literature! Why do they have to do that? If they want erotics, then make their own story, not mess with those awesome books. From what I heard. I haven't read any of those (I can hear you now like, 'WHAT??'. I know. I don't know what's wrong with me either. I'm going to read it soon, though, I promised myself) but they're great, as classics do, I heard.Btw, thanks for droppin by my blog!Imma new follower. 🙂Michelle from Michelle Shouts Random


  3. Hi Michelle! We all have those books that we haven't read and know in the back of our mind that we *should* have read, or should read soon anyway 😉 I have a whole list of those, shhh, don't tell, lol. When they mess with the classics all I can think is GET YOUR OWN MATERIAL DAMMIT, lol! Thanks for coming by and double thanks for following my blog!


  4. I freaking love your face – and this article made me gag a bit. I love me some sexy scenes but not in the classics…that just isn't okay. Now granted, there is the possibility of more people reading the book because, well, we all love some sexy. But that just ruins the timeless class of the novel. And all for some booty. Man. ;)Thank you for sharing. Oh and Jane Eyre is my favorite romance book of all time. I will face punch the new edition. *BAM*


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